EBSCOhost – Databases A-Z

EBSCOhost is a single access point to most of the individual databases listed A-Z below. Click “Explora General Research” to select and broaden your search across multiple databases at one time.
Auto Repair Source

Up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. All content comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins and recalls and more.
Biography Reference Source

Biography Reference Source provides thousands of unique and reliable full-text biographies, including the complete full text of Biography and Biography Today. In addition to keyword search, users can locate biographies by subject occupation, activity, nationality, gender, birthplace and more.
Business Searching Interface

Browse and search for company profiles, industry information, market research, and country economic data.
Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection

Free access to more than 600,000 digitized pages, representing over 160 individual newspaper titles published in Colorado from 1859 to 1923. Browse and search for feature stories, society news, advertisements, photos, editorials and more.
Consumer Health Complete

Consumer Health Complete can help you better understand key topics across the health and wellness spectrum — from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. Using the database is easy. Search results are organized by source type, so you’ll quickly find the information you need in the format you want.
Environment Complete

Journals and monographs covering agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, public policy, sustainability and other related subjects. It also includes millions of records and an environmental thesaurus.

Designed with students and educators in mind, Explora provides a safe, trustworthy environment for students to look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects or homework. Explora provides students with easy-to-use features and age-appropriate content from the world’s leading magazines and reference books.
Explora for Elementary Schools

Explora contains complete articles from dozens of the most popular elementary school magazines. These articles are assigned reading-level indicators Lexiles®), and many are available in color PDF. You’ll also find easy-to-read encyclopedia entries written specifically for kids and more than one million images of photos, maps and flags!
Explora for Middle Schools

Did you know that we offer a fun, easy-to-use tool that can help you complete research and classroom assignments? With Explora, you will discover reliable information on thousands of topics covering a wide range of subjects including art and music, literature, language arts, geography, history, social studies, world cultures and languages, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health and sports.
Explora High School

Did you know that we offer a fun, easy-to-use tool that can help you complete research and classroom assignments? With Explora, you will discover reliable information on thousands of topics covering a wide range of subjects including art and music, literature, language arts, geography, history, social studies, world cultures and languages, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health and sports.
History Reference Center

History Reference Center contains thousands of reliable resources — including primary source documents, biographies, photos, maps and videos — to help you complete your research.
Hobbies & Crafts Reference Source

Hobbies & Crafts Source is a DIY database of leading full-text hobby and craft magazines, hobby profiles, recipes and videos to inspire creativity and nurture extra-curricular interests. Available through the Explora experience for public libraries and schools, Hobbies & Crafts Source allows users to conduct keyword searches and browse by category.
Home Improvement Reference Source

Through a collection of comprehensive full-text content, this database provides detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of do-it-yourself home improvement and repair projects.
Legal Information Reference Center

Tools and detailed how-to instructions to independently address a wide-range of legal issues. The database contains hundreds of full-text legal publications, consumer reference books, and thousands of legal forms searchable by subject.
Literary Reference Source

Literary Reference Source is a rich full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods. It includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories and poems.
My Heritage Library Edition

MyHeritage Library Edition™ contains billions of historical documents from more than 48 countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes and additional resources. Available in 40 languages, MyHeritage Library Edition is the largest, most internationally diverse family history research database in the world, with more than 100 million records added each month.
Newspaper Source Plus

Did you know your library gives you access to millions of articles from the world’s most popular newspapers, newswires and news magazines? Take advantage of Newspaper Source™ Plus, a full-text database that provides a wealth of news content to support teaching and learning in the areas of science, math, health, technology, social studies and more

For fiction readers of all ages and interests. Search by favorite author, title or series, genre, or subject to find book recommendations and readalikes. The database also provides book reviews, reading lists, and discussion guides.
NoveList K-8

Check this site to help you find good books based on titles, authors or subjects that you LOVE! Use your favorite author or title of a book you love to find similar books and authors you might enjoy, search a genre to find popular books and authors, find all the book titles in a series, read book summaries and reviews, describe a plot and find books fitting your description, link to authors’ web sites, and much more!
Poetry & Short Story Reference Source

Poetry & Short Story Reference Source is a rich full-text database containing thousands of classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans and learning guides. It also includes high-quality videos and audio recordings from the Academy of American Poets.
Points of View Reference Center

Writing a persuasive essay? Searching for a good debate topic? Look no further than Points of View Reference Center™, a database from EBSCO that is available in our school library. Containing resources that present diverse perspectives on important issues and events, Points of View Reference Center has the information you need to better understand controversial issues and craft persuasive arguments – in speech and in writing.
Science Reference Center

Designed to meet every science researcher’s needs. Full-text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. Also provides teachers and librarians with articles correlated to state and national curriculum standards.
Small Engine Repair Reference Center

If you have a small engine repair project to tackle, we can help you do it yourself with Small Engine Repair Reference Center™. Access repair guides covering routine maintenance and complex projects for all major makes and models. Search information by a variety of categories, including product type, brand, model, model number and engine type.
Social Sciences

Provides sources covering a wide array of subjects, including addiction studies, ethics, public welfare, urban studies and more.